It would have been great, except for...
The entirely unnecessary use of stick figures. Seriously, stick figures are for people with no artistic skills. Everyone else should avoid them like the plague they are.
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It would have been great, except for...
The entirely unnecessary use of stick figures. Seriously, stick figures are for people with no artistic skills. Everyone else should avoid them like the plague they are.
Very good, but...
Greensleeves is a traditional lover's lament. Since when does it have anything to do with Christmas?
Nicely done
I especially liked the use of the made up language. Was the word choice completely random, or did you slip in occasional subtle hints/symbolic meanings into it? I wouldn't have asked, but as a few people have pointed out, the word 'anon' appearing at the end was intriguing.
Overall, it reminded me a lot of the montage sequence at the end of Wings of Honneamise, in general theme, and for that matter, the film as a whole. If you haven't seen it, I think you should.
What a quality game! However, more fun than the game, is the reviews - it's quite amazing what percentage of people have absolutely no sense of humour, and insist on taking a parody like this so seriously! Sometimes, it's reviews like the sort you get on things like this that prove that it seems to be the American public who are the zealous, militant fanatics. Just chill out guys! I applaud this game, and it's tremendous success at poking a stick in the ant hill of public opinion!
Good, but...
Doesn't sound very hangar-scrambley to me.
"He who fights with monsters might take care, lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Nietzsche.
Age 43, Male
like hell
Angle land
Joined on 5/12/02